Seeptrucker is the simplest and most advanced solution for reading tachograph data in Europe.

Where to Access

The manager can access where, when and how he wants or can.
Access can be made either by computer through a link app.seeptrucker.com or on a tablet or even on a smartphone. The operating system is irrelevant because as long as you have a brawser you can access it from Windows, MAC, Linux, etc, just having access to the internet

How to Import Data

Data import can be carried out in all known ways, either through the app via the drivers via their smarthphone, or through the traditional download device with a USB cable connection, uploading the data directly to the seeptrucker platform, but also by integrating the data coming from of location systems platforms, data is integrated directly via direct connection into the seeptrucker.

How to Get Important Data

Seeptrucker is concerned with simplicity, from experience we know that managers need this solution to comply with the law regarding mandatory discharges, by analyzing and necessary correction of errors with drivers, knowing who has schedules without violating the law of social regulation and if possible, have a lawyer in the middle of the night to tell drivers if they should pay the fines with a reduction or guarantee as there is no infraction and we will appeal.

Benefits for the Manager

With seeptrucker, the manager no longer needs to open their computer to obtain all this and if he does, he can open the platform in seconds, obtain data in seconds, analyze what really matters in seconds and obtain decisions based on the data in seconds.

Reports, analysis are what managers need and no longer hundreds of possibilities that lead to wasted time with what is not necessary.

The concern with a positive attitude with a view to optimizing procedures between managers and drivers is the objective. The word reproval is exchanged for collaboration.

We want managers not to invest more time with tachograph programs and downloads, but with customers, employees and invoicing.